October 21, 2005

Pho does a body good

Pho Ga (Chicken Pho)

I'm sick again. This is my third or fourth bad cold of the year. I took yesterday off and slept for 15 hours. But I'm not doing my co-workers any favors by coming into work today. It seems that the only thing that really makes me feel better is pho--that magical elixir. I usually like beef, but I prefer chicken when I'm really sick. I like my bowl with lots of chilis, basil, some bean sprouts, cilantro and sriracha chili sauce. No hoisin sauce for me.


Happy A. said...

My fave "you're sick" movie reference follows. I'll buy drinks one night if you can get it right without consulting any references:

Sorry to hear that you're feeling ill.
Heard you had a fever and chill.
But I'm here to restore your luck,
'Cause I'm the nurse who likes to ...

Happy A. said...

Pluck. It should read "pluck."